Sunday, September 15, 2013

Womp womp to the title of this blog.

I no longer have an English class. Obviously, keeping a blog during class seemed to be too much effort, because instead of posting more than, well, once, I just read twitter news for the rest of the semester. And the semester after that.

Now, I have some more interesting, or at least different classes. My chemistry class, for example, has 100+ students, swingy chairs, and a professor who talks about lots of vaguely interesting stuff. Just, not chemistry.

I have Russian. Where I wish I could blog instead of participating, but since I make up 25% of the class, they really notice if you're not paying attention.

There's Anatomy and Physiology, but I actually enjoy listening to fancy names for body parts and cellular processes. So no blogging there. I read the textbook for fun (nerd alert) and have no shame.

I have a Spanish class too, that's just whatever. Conversation based and something about rock music and dictatorships, which would be a lot more interesting if the other people in the class spoke Spanish too.

Also linguistics. I'm in a morphology class, which basically means studying words. You know when you get to upper-division classes, and everyone within that major is like "I'm such a linguist. I just love everything to do with the subject. Subsequently, I use complex terms incorrectly and mention all the background reading I've been doing in this ravishing subject, that really doesn't relate to what we're talking about, but it makes me look so intelligent."? Yeah. That. At least the professor is a small, owlish gentleman who is very impressed with slang terms, as long as we can chart their distribution accurately.

So that is my year, in classes.